Ivosenib 250 mg (Ivosidenib) Tablets


Ivosenib 250 mg (Ivosidenib) Tablets


Ivosenib 250 mg, manufactured by Everest Pharmaceuticals Ltd and supplied by Orio Pharma, is an advanced targeted therapy for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and cholangiocarcinoma in patients with an isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 (IDH1) mutation. Containing Ivosidenib, Ivosenib 250 mg specifically inhibits the mutated IDH1 enzyme, which is responsible for the abnormal production of an oncometabolite that drives cancer growth. This medication provides a critical option for patients with IDH1-mutated AML and cholangiocarcinoma, offering a targeted approach that can lead to remission and improve survival rates.

Manufacturing Excellence of Everest Pharmaceuticals Ltd.:

Everest Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is dedicated to producing high-quality pharmaceutical products that meet stringent international standards. The development of Ivosenib 250 mg reflects Everest’s commitment to advancing oncology therapies through innovative research, rigorous quality control, and adherence to best manufacturing practices. Their focus on safety and efficacy ensures that Ivosenib 250 mg is a reliable and effective option for patients with IDH1-mutated cancers.

Mechanism of Action:

Ivosenib 250 mg contains Ivosidenib, a potent inhibitor of the IDH1 enzyme. In patients with IDH1-mutated AML or cholangiocarcinoma, the mutated enzyme produces an abnormal metabolite, 2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG), which interferes with normal cellular differentiation and promotes cancer cell proliferation. Ivosidenib works by selectively inhibiting the mutated IDH1 enzyme, thereby reducing 2-HG levels. This reduction allows for the restoration of normal cell differentiation and the reduction of malignant cells, leading to potential remission in AML and disease stabilization in cholangiocarcinoma.

Clinical Applications:

Ivosenib 250 mg is indicated for the treatment of:

  • IDH1-Mutated Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): Ivosenib 250 mg is used in adult patients with relapsed or refractory AML who have a confirmed IDH1 mutation. It provides a targeted treatment option that addresses the specific genetic driver of the disease.
  • IDH1-Mutated Cholangiocarcinoma: Ivosenib 250 mg is also indicated for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic cholangiocarcinoma with an IDH1 mutation, offering a targeted approach to managing this rare and challenging cancer.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that Ivosidenib can lead to durable remissions in AML and significant disease control in cholangiocarcinoma, making it a vital therapy for patients with these genetic mutations.

Dosage and Administration:

The recommended dosage of Ivosenib 250 mg is one tablet taken once daily. The tablet should be swallowed whole with water, with or without food. It is crucial for patients to adhere to the prescribed dosing schedule and follow their healthcare provider’s instructions carefully to achieve the best possible outcomes. Regular monitoring of blood counts, liver function, and overall health is essential to assess the response to therapy and manage any potential side effects.

Benefits of Ivosenib 250 mg:

  • Targeted Therapy for IDH1-Mutated Cancers: Ivosenib 250 mg offers a precision treatment option for patients with IDH1-mutated AML and cholangiocarcinoma, targeting the underlying genetic mutation that drives these cancers.
  • Induces Remission and Disease Control: Clinical evidence shows that Ivosenib 250 mg can induce remission in AML and provide significant disease control in cholangiocarcinoma, offering hope to patients with limited treatment options.
  • Oral Administration: The convenient oral dosage form of Ivosenib 250 mg allows for easy at-home treatment, promoting patient adherence and comfort.
  • Well-Tolerated: Ivosenib 250 mg has a favorable safety profile, making it suitable for long-term use in managing IDH1-mutated cancers under proper medical supervision.

Supplier: Orio Pharma

Orio Pharma ensures that Ivosenib 250 mg is readily available to healthcare providers and patients, offering reliable access to this critical cancer therapy. Their commitment to efficient supply and distribution supports effective management of IDH1-mutated AML and cholangiocarcinoma, helping to improve patient outcomes.


Ivosenib 250 mg (Ivosidenib) by Everest Pharmaceuticals Ltd, supplied by Orio Pharma, represents a significant advancement in the treatment of IDH1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia and cholangiocarcinoma. This targeted therapy offers an effective and convenient option for managing these specific genetic subtypes of cancer, improving remission rates and enhancing quality of life. By incorporating Ivosenib 250 mg into their treatment plans, healthcare providers can offer patients a reliable and effective strategy for managing advanced cancers, ultimately leading to better health outcomes and long-term survival.